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Add Your Arrow

Once you've added your bow, it's time to add your arrow!

Note that we do have a 'Guided Setup' option in the application that walks you through each of these steps one by one.


Total Arrow Weight

The only measurement you'll need from your arrow is the total arrow weight. This includes the weight of the nock, insert, point, vanes, and any other components installed on your arrow.


We often get asked how we can accurately calculate the drag properties of an arrow without asking about its components, vanes, shaft diameter, etc. like other programs do. It's a fair question! We address this in detail in our FAQ section, so check out our explanation there if you're curious!

The most accurate way to measure your total arrow weight is with an arrow scale or a grain scale (such as an ammunition reloading scale). Your measurement should be within a few grains.


Measure several of your arrows. You might notice some weight deviation between arrows, so it's best to measure several and take the average.

If you don't have a scale, you can approximate the weight using online arrow weight calculators. Just do a quick search for "arrow weight calculator", and you'll find several. These calculators work in the same way: you enter the weight of each of your components, and the calculator adds them up for you. Manufacturers usually list weights for their components on their websites.


In our experience, these online calculators typically underestimate the total weight by a few grains. This discrepancy is usually due to the weight of the glue. We recommend adding a few grains to the total weight calculated by these online tools.

Add Your Arrow to the Application

Now that you've taken your measurements, it's time to add your arrow to the application!

Click "Add Arrow".

Enter a name for your arrow, and enter the total arrow weight you measured.

Click "Create Arrow", and you're done!

Next, we will "sight-in" your arrow!