Sight Marks
In this section, we walk through the process of creating target sight marks for your bow and the options you have.
For those who don't know, sight marks are predominately used in target archery, so if you're a bow hunter without a target sight with a built in scale / clicks, this section may not be for you.
Before generating sight marks for your setup, you'll need to have completed the following:
Creating Sight Marks
First, navigate to the Sight Marks page in the application. Select the bow you wish to create sight marks for, and then select the arrow.
Computing the Marks
Now we can compute the marks for the setup. We need to choose the elevation that these sight marks are for, a starting range, an ending range, and an increment between ranges.
We currently support 1/4 yard, 1/2 yard, and 1 yard increments.
Click "Compute Marks". In the background, we're running each and every mark though our arrow trajectory model and precisely computing each mark.
If you compute marks for a non-target sight (a sight that doesn't have a built in scale with clicks), or if you didn't sight in with target sight marks, we will compute the marks in inches.
Once the calculations are completed, you will see a table of sight marks.
Printing the Marks
Once computed, you can print out the marks. Scroll all the way down, and click Download PDF.
This generates a PDF with all the sight marks, ready to print!
We are working on adding the ability to print sight marks in a more compact format. Stay tuned!